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Forwarded message from S. Kalyanaraman
Christian terrorism: High Court Orders Police to Probe Betticola
Church for the Brutal Killing of Hindu Swamy Laxmanananda Saraswati
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Christian terrorism: High Court Orders Police to Probe Betticola
Church for the Brutal Killing of Hindu Swamy Laxmanananda Saraswati
[image: Listen to this article. Powered by Odiogo.com]
High Court Orders Police to Probe Betticola Church for the Brutal
Killing of Hindu Swamy Laxmanananda Saraswati
August 14, 2011
HC for re-probe in Laxmanananda Saraswati murder
The Orissa High Court on Thursday directed the police to further
investigate the murder of VHP leader Laxmanananda Saraswati on the
basis of new material evidences and immediately submit a new
chargesheet in the trial court.
Disposing a writ petition by Saraswati's disciple Brahmachari Madhava
Chaitanya and another intervening petition by VHP leader Durga Prasad
Kar, Justice M M Das asked the police to re-investigate the case on
the evidence provided by Kar and others.
The petitioners had alleged that the police did not take into account
the resolution passed by Betticola church in G Udaygiri block of
Kandhamal two-three days before the murder.
The petitioners had alleged that the resolution by Betticola church
had talked of eliminating Saraswati. They also alleged that a blood-
stained sharp weapon found near the pond of Saraswati's ashram was
not taken into account.
Chaitanya had in 2009 filed a case in HC, alleging that the
investigation was flawed as a TI parade of the accused was not
Saraswati, 82, was celebrating Janmasthami on August 23, 2008, when
masked assailants, armed with AK-47 sprayed him with bullets.
The attackers had then hacked his right leg and rained blows on his
Three of his associates -- Kishore baba, 45, Amritananda baba, 62,
Mata Bhaktimayee, 40 -- and Puranjan Ganthi, 28, brother of one of the
girl inmates of the tribal residential school, fell to the bullets.
The killings led to a communal riot in the district.
Partial history of Christian atrocities
India's first major contact with Christianity began when Vasco da
Gama, from Portugal, landed with gunboat and priests in 1498... The
newcomers were not only merchants but also devout Christians ordered
by the Pope: "... to invade, conquer, and subject all the countries
which are under rule of the enemies of Christ, Saracens (Moslems who
fought against the Christian Crusaders in the middle ages) or
Pagan...." Hindus were forced to convert or faced torture and death.
Thousands had to flee Goa in order to keep their culture and
religious beliefs.
The historian Gaspar Correa described what Vasco da Gama did, thus:
"When all the Indians had thus been executed, he ordered them to
strike upon their teeth with staves and they knocked them down their
throats; as they were put on board, heaped on top of each other,
mixed up with the blood which streamed from them; and he ordered mats
and dry leaves to be spread over them and sails to be set for the
shore and the vessels set on fire..." Before killing and burning the
innocent Hindus he had their hands, ears and noses cut off.
."When the Zamorin (head of the Hindu population) sent another
Brahmin (Hindu Priest) to Vasco to plead for peace, he had his lips
cut off and his ears cut off. The ears of a dog were sewn on him
instead and the Brahmin was sent back to Zamorin in that state. The
Brahmin... had brought with him three young boys, two of them his
sons and the other a nephew. They were hanged from the yardarm and
their bodies sent ashore."
Francis Xavier, a Jesuit Priest, came soon after Vasco da Gama, with
the firm resolve of uprooting Hinduism from the soil of India and
planting Christianity in its place. His sayings and doings have been
documented in his numerous biographies. Francis Xavier, wrote back
home, "As soon as I arrived in any heathen village, when all are
baptized, I order all the temples of their false gods to be destroyed
and all the idols to be broken to pieces. I can give you no idea of
the joy I feel in seeing this done." The Church had a special way of
dealing with converted Hindus who were suspected of not observing
Christian rites with appropriate rigour and enthusiasm, or even of
covertly practicing their old faith: "...the culprits would be
tracked down and burnt alive."[28] Xavier called for an inquisition,
recorded by historians as being more horrendous and barbaric than any
prior to that. Thousands were tortured mutilated and killed.
Thousands had to flee Goa in order to keep their traditional culture
and religion.
It is recorded that between 600 and 1,000 Hindu temples and shrines
were destroyed, but many consider these numbers to be on the
conservative side. [29]
Many types of brutal torture were employed by the Inquisitors, such
as mutilation of body parts, fire torture and drownings. The details
of this torture are too ghastly and horrid to contemplate for any
sane human being.
"Children were flogged and slowly dismembered in front of their
parents whose eyelids had been sliced off to make sure they missed
Extremities were amputated carefully, so that a person could remain
conscious even when all that remained was a torso and a head."[30]
The archbishop of Evora, in Portugal, eventually wrote, "If
everywhere the Inquisition was an infamous court, the infamy, however
base, however vile, however corrupt and determined by worldly
interests, it was never more so than in Goa. [31]
No body knows the exact number of Goans subjected to these diabolical
tortures; low estimates put the number in the tens of thousands, high
estimates are in the hundreds of thousands, perhaps even more. The
abominations of these inquisitions continued from 1560 until a brief
respite was given in 1774, but four years later, the inquisition was
introduced again and it continued un-interruptedly until 1812 -- the
inquisition in Goa wend on for over two-hundred and fifty years. At
that point in time, in the year of 1812, the British put pressure on
the Portuguese to put an end to the terror of the Inquisition and the
presence of British troops in Goa enforced the British desire.[32]
Dr. Trasta Breganka Kunha, a Catholic citizen of Goa writes, "Inspite
of all the mutilations and concealment of history, it remains an
undoubted fact that religious conversion of Goans is due to methods
of force adopted by the Portuguese to establish their rule. As a
result of this violence the character of our people was destroyed.
The propagation of Christian sect in Goa came about not by religious
preaching but through the methods of violence and pressure. If any
evidence is needed for this fact, we can obtain it through law books,
orders and reports of the local rulers of that time and also from the
most dependable documents of the Christian sect itself." [33]
A proposed celebration for the 500 year anniversary of Vasco de
Gama's arrival in India was fiercly proposed and successfully
stopped, bringing together a surprising alliance of Hindus, Muslims,
left wing campaigners and environmentalists.
The Gaur-Sarasvata Brahmins were one such sect who had to flee at the
hands of the invading fanatics. Now their sect is situated in the
state of Karnataka. Leaving everything behind and starting from
scratch they are now a very well to do and prosperous community.
Their temples rival any in the world. Still practicing their ancient
Vedic religion, the Gaur-Sarasvata Brahmins are recognized for their
dignity, honesty and contributions to society. This soundly nullifies
the idea propagated by the Christian zealots that Hindu religion is
heathen and pagan.
Frances Xavier is commonly known as 'St. Francis Xavier,' 'the Patron
Saint of the East.' He is still worshipped, prayed to and honored as
the pure representative of Jesus Christ and his gospel by Christians
all over the world. There are innumerable hospitals, schools, and
other institutions in India named after him. Even today the
archdiocese of Goa boasts, "The glorious chapter of the expansion of
the Catholic Church in the east can be said to have begun after the
European 'discovery' of the sea route to India in 1498. This helped
the coming of the European fathers to these lands, one of them being
St. Francis Xavier, the great Apostle of the East and Patron of the
Missions. Goa is privileged to have been the starting point of his
Church work labours and the place where his sacred remains are
preserved. Goa was called the "Rome of the East" due to the central
role it played in evangelization of the east." [34]
India today is ruled by a secular government modeled after the
western democracies. What many Indians do not understand is that the
idea of secular government, first seen in the United States of
America, was a reaction to the theocratic tyrannies that pervaded the
Dark Ages of Europe all the way to the founding of the American
nation. Separation of religion and government were an effort to ward
off and prevent any Christian theocracy from taking control in modern
Now the Christian tactics have changed, but their underlying premise
that 'Christianity is the only true religion' nullifies all their
attempts of portraying themselves as tolerant and loving. The reality
is that Christianity has not changed its theology, it has only
changed its techniques of conversion. Christian evangelists are now
using vast amounts of wealth (billions of US dollars) to spread their
propaganda. Mission activity in India comes in the guise of helping
the downtrodden, sick and helpless. In reality the aim is the same --
to convert all to Christianity and in the wake destroy all the
cultures and religions that lie in the way.
There is no need to abuse, attack, or condemn the Non-Christian
The plain truth is the Christian Missionaries work with usage of
lies, falsehood, and hypocrisy. The social improvement facade is only
a camouflage or disguise for conversion work.
Why should the Christian Missionaries want to collect converts?
Because it is in the nature of the religions of exclusivity (Islam
and Christianity) to try to make every one like them in terms of
religion. They have no use, whatsoever, for pluralism or respect for
other religions; in fact what they have is pure contempt for other
religions. Further, this exclusivity attachment and attitude comes
straight from the horse's mouth i.e. from their scriptures. For
instance, in the Bible Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16, and Luke
24:46-47 every Christian is commanded to make converts and it is the
duty of every Christian to uphold these commands of the Bible.
A glance at their activities in India clearly reveals that the
Christian Missionaries denigrate and demonize the Hindus every single
day. Hinduism is equated with Devil Worship and Hindus are described
as Heathens, as workers for the Devil, and as lost souls who are
headed straight to hell.
Now-a-days, in most civilized countries, open and outright utterance
of ignoble and unflattering slurs and put downs on the basis of race,
religion, creed, or other affiliation is not tolerated because it has
been legislated as illegal. But in Pseudo-Secular India, Hindus can
be freely insulted, abused, degraded and dragged into mud, by the
Christian Missionaries with impunity, without any fear of lawsuit.
They freely broadcast their Hate-Hindu, vile and vituperative
propaganda into Indian villages and cities.
Because the preacher of Christianity single-mindedly believes his
loathing gospels of hate, seeing them as divine commands from his
religion, he utters venom and vindictiveness against the Hindu with
zeal and with [in their estimation] a clear conscience.
Nearly every single day, rhetoric similar to the words below confirm
the reality that Christianity, while posing as a religion of love,
peace and tolerance is anything but that.
"These Hindu Heathens have their idols and their superstitions, their
idol-bearing temples and shrines where they conduct their noisy
foolish rituals and ceremonies. They generate a lot of evil. They are
totally ignorant that Jesus Christ came to overcome death. There is a
great need to propagate the Christian Gospel amongst them." Only now
is India beginning to realize what the Christian Mission activity is
really all about. This is evidenced in states like Nagaland, Mizoram,
Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and in other areas in Northeast India. As
soon as Christians become a majority in a given area, they sow the
venom of hatred and strife, turning family member against family
member, villager against villager and instigate their Christian
followers to ask for self-determination and a Christian Homeland.
This is virtually the same technique that the Moslems continue to use
with success.
As soon as a convert is made, they are greatly encouraged to
vehemently and publicly denigrate their previous culture, traditions
and everything related to it. This greatly disrupts the entire
community and its normal social and economic activities.
Militant Christians in several of these Northeastern Indian provinces
have been forcing non-Christian residents to either convert to
Christianity or face capital punishment. With death staring at their
face, most of the adult members have fled the villages to escape
torture, resulting in disruption of agricultural activities. Buddhist
leaders of both the states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh have
strongly condemned the heinous carnage committed by the militants on
the peace-loving Buddhists and tribal cult followers.
Because Hindus now know what the Christians are up to, it is time to
take some serious steps to counter the Christian propaganda and
instill pride in Indians across the nation for their glorious past
and distinguished Vedic heritage.
For Additional Information on the Goan Inquisition, please visit:
The Portuguese Invasion of Goa
Details of the Goan Inquisition
Hindu Genocide in Goa
Christians have always portrayed non-Christian civilizations as
backwards, underdeveloped, superstitious, and barbaric. What really
underlies all of their criticism is that these cultures do not accept
Jesus, the Bible and their western way of life. This is what, in the
Christians' opinion, deems these cultures as needing their help, when
in fact the their fervor to destroy any theistic conception other
than Christianity or any temple other than a church shows that they
are really the ones who are showing the qualities of barbarians.
Today, many are uninformed and believe that mission excesses only
took place in prior times and today's preaching works are a 'good
thing.' But as long as the basic premises and theology that underly
all the abuses that took place in the past are not corrected, the
result of mission activities will remain the same: Genocide and
destruction of all that lies in its way, replacing it with the
'superior religion and culture' that most missionaries believe they
are delivering.
In retrospect, these various ethnic cultures were far better off
before the introduction of Christianity, as it had nothing better to
offer them. In reality, these cultures were decimated, their
histories were erased, their cultural traditions eradicated, their
former religions destroyed and they were left more unhappy than
before the arrival of Christianity.
There have been many revisions in the teachings of Jesus Christ since
it first took hold some 2,000 years ago. But until the xenophobic and
iconoclastic teachings of the Bible are corrected, mission activity
will yield the same catastrophic results. As taught in the Bible, 'we
can know a tree by its fruit,' these evangelists need to adopt a more
pluralistic theology, recognizing the divinity in other religions and
the contributions of other cultures and further recognize that theirs
is not the only path to salvation. Suffice it to say, until these
things have been corrected, that to label such endeavors for Christ
as good works or pious activity is wrong.
Otherwise, in this modern age, those deemed with good intelligence,
who are advanced in philosophy and science, have no other choice than
to condemn these preaching activities worldwide, which seek to
destroy ethnic cultures. Mission activities need to be monitored and
the conversion agenda needs to be reconsidered.
[28] Paul William Roberts, Empire of the Soul, Some Journeys in India
(Riverhead Books, New York)
[29] History of Hindu Chris tian Encounters, Sita Ram Goel, South
Asia Books (July 1990), ISBN 9990049173.
[30] Ibid.
[31] The Empire of the Soul by Paul William Roberts (Harper Collins,
[32] Ibid.
[33] The Portuguese Invasion,
[34] The Archdiocese Of Goa and Daman,
Evangelism as part of foreign political strategy
Posted October 19, 2010
Manju Gupta
Oct 3, 2010
Source Link
Evangelical Intrusions, Sandhya Jain, Rupa & Co., Pp 251 (HB), Rs
THIS book comes at an opportune moment when repeated reports of
religio-political violence in the north-eastern states are pouring
in, accompanied by the rise in armed rebellion from groups professing
secessionist aspirations.
As is universally recognised, the separatist goals are linked to
agenda of religious conversion which is likely to rupture the
cultural and civilisational unity of the indigenous faith and
culture. The author has chosen Tripura as the subject of her study as
its primarily tribal people are resisting organised armed assaults
upon its native faith and way of life. The author feels that the
prime aim of the rebellion is to coerce the entire tribal populations
to convert to a millenarian tradition through intimidation, violence,
murders, pubic firing and denial of freedom to follow one's faith and
religion. Groups engaged in such nefarious activities are trained and
armed with modern weaponry obtained from external forces.
Conversion from a non-monotheistic to a monotheistic faith involves
rejection of national socio-cultural tradition and transferring
allegiance to an alien faith. It is well known that foreign
governments are playing an active role in funding evangelism and
"promoting it through foreign policy and the intrusive activism of
human rights groups". The author explains why she chose Tripura as
the subject of her study - it is the large tribal population which
has been resisting organised armed assault upon its native faith and
way of life. The present era is witnessing the re-emergence of
religion in the public domain after the initial rejection in the
early decades of Independence.
The author finds that Tripura tribes are under siege from several
Western evangelical denominations that have no qualms in resorting to
force and intimidation to achieve their objective of conversion. She
points out that Dharm is primarily a matter of family, clan, social,
religious and cultural inheritance.
(Rupa & Co., 7/16 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi - 110002;
End of forwarded message from S. Kalyanaraman
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
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Christian terrorism: High Court Orders Police to Probe Betticola
Church for the Brutal Killing of Hindu Swamy Laxmanananda Saraswati
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Christian terrorism: High Court Orders Police to Probe Betticola
Church for the Brutal Killing of Hindu Swamy Laxmanananda Saraswati
[image: Listen to this article. Powered by Odiogo.com]
High Court Orders Police to Probe Betticola Church for the Brutal
Killing of Hindu Swamy Laxmanananda Saraswati
August 14, 2011
HC for re-probe in Laxmanananda Saraswati murder
The Orissa High Court on Thursday directed the police to further
investigate the murder of VHP leader Laxmanananda Saraswati on the
basis of new material evidences and immediately submit a new
chargesheet in the trial court.
Disposing a writ petition by Saraswati's disciple Brahmachari Madhava
Chaitanya and another intervening petition by VHP leader Durga Prasad
Kar, Justice M M Das asked the police to re-investigate the case on
the evidence provided by Kar and others.
The petitioners had alleged that the police did not take into account
the resolution passed by Betticola church in G Udaygiri block of
Kandhamal two-three days before the murder.
The petitioners had alleged that the resolution by Betticola church
had talked of eliminating Saraswati. They also alleged that a blood-
stained sharp weapon found near the pond of Saraswati's ashram was
not taken into account.
Chaitanya had in 2009 filed a case in HC, alleging that the
investigation was flawed as a TI parade of the accused was not
Saraswati, 82, was celebrating Janmasthami on August 23, 2008, when
masked assailants, armed with AK-47 sprayed him with bullets.
The attackers had then hacked his right leg and rained blows on his
Three of his associates -- Kishore baba, 45, Amritananda baba, 62,
Mata Bhaktimayee, 40 -- and Puranjan Ganthi, 28, brother of one of the
girl inmates of the tribal residential school, fell to the bullets.
The killings led to a communal riot in the district.
Partial history of Christian atrocities
India's first major contact with Christianity began when Vasco da
Gama, from Portugal, landed with gunboat and priests in 1498... The
newcomers were not only merchants but also devout Christians ordered
by the Pope: "... to invade, conquer, and subject all the countries
which are under rule of the enemies of Christ, Saracens (Moslems who
fought against the Christian Crusaders in the middle ages) or
Pagan...." Hindus were forced to convert or faced torture and death.
Thousands had to flee Goa in order to keep their culture and
religious beliefs.
The historian Gaspar Correa described what Vasco da Gama did, thus:
"When all the Indians had thus been executed, he ordered them to
strike upon their teeth with staves and they knocked them down their
throats; as they were put on board, heaped on top of each other,
mixed up with the blood which streamed from them; and he ordered mats
and dry leaves to be spread over them and sails to be set for the
shore and the vessels set on fire..." Before killing and burning the
innocent Hindus he had their hands, ears and noses cut off.
."When the Zamorin (head of the Hindu population) sent another
Brahmin (Hindu Priest) to Vasco to plead for peace, he had his lips
cut off and his ears cut off. The ears of a dog were sewn on him
instead and the Brahmin was sent back to Zamorin in that state. The
Brahmin... had brought with him three young boys, two of them his
sons and the other a nephew. They were hanged from the yardarm and
their bodies sent ashore."
Francis Xavier, a Jesuit Priest, came soon after Vasco da Gama, with
the firm resolve of uprooting Hinduism from the soil of India and
planting Christianity in its place. His sayings and doings have been
documented in his numerous biographies. Francis Xavier, wrote back
home, "As soon as I arrived in any heathen village, when all are
baptized, I order all the temples of their false gods to be destroyed
and all the idols to be broken to pieces. I can give you no idea of
the joy I feel in seeing this done." The Church had a special way of
dealing with converted Hindus who were suspected of not observing
Christian rites with appropriate rigour and enthusiasm, or even of
covertly practicing their old faith: "...the culprits would be
tracked down and burnt alive."[28] Xavier called for an inquisition,
recorded by historians as being more horrendous and barbaric than any
prior to that. Thousands were tortured mutilated and killed.
Thousands had to flee Goa in order to keep their traditional culture
and religion.
It is recorded that between 600 and 1,000 Hindu temples and shrines
were destroyed, but many consider these numbers to be on the
conservative side. [29]
Many types of brutal torture were employed by the Inquisitors, such
as mutilation of body parts, fire torture and drownings. The details
of this torture are too ghastly and horrid to contemplate for any
sane human being.
"Children were flogged and slowly dismembered in front of their
parents whose eyelids had been sliced off to make sure they missed
Extremities were amputated carefully, so that a person could remain
conscious even when all that remained was a torso and a head."[30]
The archbishop of Evora, in Portugal, eventually wrote, "If
everywhere the Inquisition was an infamous court, the infamy, however
base, however vile, however corrupt and determined by worldly
interests, it was never more so than in Goa. [31]
No body knows the exact number of Goans subjected to these diabolical
tortures; low estimates put the number in the tens of thousands, high
estimates are in the hundreds of thousands, perhaps even more. The
abominations of these inquisitions continued from 1560 until a brief
respite was given in 1774, but four years later, the inquisition was
introduced again and it continued un-interruptedly until 1812 -- the
inquisition in Goa wend on for over two-hundred and fifty years. At
that point in time, in the year of 1812, the British put pressure on
the Portuguese to put an end to the terror of the Inquisition and the
presence of British troops in Goa enforced the British desire.[32]
Dr. Trasta Breganka Kunha, a Catholic citizen of Goa writes, "Inspite
of all the mutilations and concealment of history, it remains an
undoubted fact that religious conversion of Goans is due to methods
of force adopted by the Portuguese to establish their rule. As a
result of this violence the character of our people was destroyed.
The propagation of Christian sect in Goa came about not by religious
preaching but through the methods of violence and pressure. If any
evidence is needed for this fact, we can obtain it through law books,
orders and reports of the local rulers of that time and also from the
most dependable documents of the Christian sect itself." [33]
A proposed celebration for the 500 year anniversary of Vasco de
Gama's arrival in India was fiercly proposed and successfully
stopped, bringing together a surprising alliance of Hindus, Muslims,
left wing campaigners and environmentalists.
The Gaur-Sarasvata Brahmins were one such sect who had to flee at the
hands of the invading fanatics. Now their sect is situated in the
state of Karnataka. Leaving everything behind and starting from
scratch they are now a very well to do and prosperous community.
Their temples rival any in the world. Still practicing their ancient
Vedic religion, the Gaur-Sarasvata Brahmins are recognized for their
dignity, honesty and contributions to society. This soundly nullifies
the idea propagated by the Christian zealots that Hindu religion is
heathen and pagan.
Frances Xavier is commonly known as 'St. Francis Xavier,' 'the Patron
Saint of the East.' He is still worshipped, prayed to and honored as
the pure representative of Jesus Christ and his gospel by Christians
all over the world. There are innumerable hospitals, schools, and
other institutions in India named after him. Even today the
archdiocese of Goa boasts, "The glorious chapter of the expansion of
the Catholic Church in the east can be said to have begun after the
European 'discovery' of the sea route to India in 1498. This helped
the coming of the European fathers to these lands, one of them being
St. Francis Xavier, the great Apostle of the East and Patron of the
Missions. Goa is privileged to have been the starting point of his
Church work labours and the place where his sacred remains are
preserved. Goa was called the "Rome of the East" due to the central
role it played in evangelization of the east." [34]
India today is ruled by a secular government modeled after the
western democracies. What many Indians do not understand is that the
idea of secular government, first seen in the United States of
America, was a reaction to the theocratic tyrannies that pervaded the
Dark Ages of Europe all the way to the founding of the American
nation. Separation of religion and government were an effort to ward
off and prevent any Christian theocracy from taking control in modern
Now the Christian tactics have changed, but their underlying premise
that 'Christianity is the only true religion' nullifies all their
attempts of portraying themselves as tolerant and loving. The reality
is that Christianity has not changed its theology, it has only
changed its techniques of conversion. Christian evangelists are now
using vast amounts of wealth (billions of US dollars) to spread their
propaganda. Mission activity in India comes in the guise of helping
the downtrodden, sick and helpless. In reality the aim is the same --
to convert all to Christianity and in the wake destroy all the
cultures and religions that lie in the way.
There is no need to abuse, attack, or condemn the Non-Christian
The plain truth is the Christian Missionaries work with usage of
lies, falsehood, and hypocrisy. The social improvement facade is only
a camouflage or disguise for conversion work.
Why should the Christian Missionaries want to collect converts?
Because it is in the nature of the religions of exclusivity (Islam
and Christianity) to try to make every one like them in terms of
religion. They have no use, whatsoever, for pluralism or respect for
other religions; in fact what they have is pure contempt for other
religions. Further, this exclusivity attachment and attitude comes
straight from the horse's mouth i.e. from their scriptures. For
instance, in the Bible Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16, and Luke
24:46-47 every Christian is commanded to make converts and it is the
duty of every Christian to uphold these commands of the Bible.
A glance at their activities in India clearly reveals that the
Christian Missionaries denigrate and demonize the Hindus every single
day. Hinduism is equated with Devil Worship and Hindus are described
as Heathens, as workers for the Devil, and as lost souls who are
headed straight to hell.
Now-a-days, in most civilized countries, open and outright utterance
of ignoble and unflattering slurs and put downs on the basis of race,
religion, creed, or other affiliation is not tolerated because it has
been legislated as illegal. But in Pseudo-Secular India, Hindus can
be freely insulted, abused, degraded and dragged into mud, by the
Christian Missionaries with impunity, without any fear of lawsuit.
They freely broadcast their Hate-Hindu, vile and vituperative
propaganda into Indian villages and cities.
Because the preacher of Christianity single-mindedly believes his
loathing gospels of hate, seeing them as divine commands from his
religion, he utters venom and vindictiveness against the Hindu with
zeal and with [in their estimation] a clear conscience.
Nearly every single day, rhetoric similar to the words below confirm
the reality that Christianity, while posing as a religion of love,
peace and tolerance is anything but that.
"These Hindu Heathens have their idols and their superstitions, their
idol-bearing temples and shrines where they conduct their noisy
foolish rituals and ceremonies. They generate a lot of evil. They are
totally ignorant that Jesus Christ came to overcome death. There is a
great need to propagate the Christian Gospel amongst them." Only now
is India beginning to realize what the Christian Mission activity is
really all about. This is evidenced in states like Nagaland, Mizoram,
Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and in other areas in Northeast India. As
soon as Christians become a majority in a given area, they sow the
venom of hatred and strife, turning family member against family
member, villager against villager and instigate their Christian
followers to ask for self-determination and a Christian Homeland.
This is virtually the same technique that the Moslems continue to use
with success.
As soon as a convert is made, they are greatly encouraged to
vehemently and publicly denigrate their previous culture, traditions
and everything related to it. This greatly disrupts the entire
community and its normal social and economic activities.
Militant Christians in several of these Northeastern Indian provinces
have been forcing non-Christian residents to either convert to
Christianity or face capital punishment. With death staring at their
face, most of the adult members have fled the villages to escape
torture, resulting in disruption of agricultural activities. Buddhist
leaders of both the states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh have
strongly condemned the heinous carnage committed by the militants on
the peace-loving Buddhists and tribal cult followers.
Because Hindus now know what the Christians are up to, it is time to
take some serious steps to counter the Christian propaganda and
instill pride in Indians across the nation for their glorious past
and distinguished Vedic heritage.
For Additional Information on the Goan Inquisition, please visit:
The Portuguese Invasion of Goa
Details of the Goan Inquisition
Hindu Genocide in Goa
Christians have always portrayed non-Christian civilizations as
backwards, underdeveloped, superstitious, and barbaric. What really
underlies all of their criticism is that these cultures do not accept
Jesus, the Bible and their western way of life. This is what, in the
Christians' opinion, deems these cultures as needing their help, when
in fact the their fervor to destroy any theistic conception other
than Christianity or any temple other than a church shows that they
are really the ones who are showing the qualities of barbarians.
Today, many are uninformed and believe that mission excesses only
took place in prior times and today's preaching works are a 'good
thing.' But as long as the basic premises and theology that underly
all the abuses that took place in the past are not corrected, the
result of mission activities will remain the same: Genocide and
destruction of all that lies in its way, replacing it with the
'superior religion and culture' that most missionaries believe they
are delivering.
In retrospect, these various ethnic cultures were far better off
before the introduction of Christianity, as it had nothing better to
offer them. In reality, these cultures were decimated, their
histories were erased, their cultural traditions eradicated, their
former religions destroyed and they were left more unhappy than
before the arrival of Christianity.
There have been many revisions in the teachings of Jesus Christ since
it first took hold some 2,000 years ago. But until the xenophobic and
iconoclastic teachings of the Bible are corrected, mission activity
will yield the same catastrophic results. As taught in the Bible, 'we
can know a tree by its fruit,' these evangelists need to adopt a more
pluralistic theology, recognizing the divinity in other religions and
the contributions of other cultures and further recognize that theirs
is not the only path to salvation. Suffice it to say, until these
things have been corrected, that to label such endeavors for Christ
as good works or pious activity is wrong.
Otherwise, in this modern age, those deemed with good intelligence,
who are advanced in philosophy and science, have no other choice than
to condemn these preaching activities worldwide, which seek to
destroy ethnic cultures. Mission activities need to be monitored and
the conversion agenda needs to be reconsidered.
[28] Paul William Roberts, Empire of the Soul, Some Journeys in India
(Riverhead Books, New York)
[29] History of Hindu Chris tian Encounters, Sita Ram Goel, South
Asia Books (July 1990), ISBN 9990049173.
[30] Ibid.
[31] The Empire of the Soul by Paul William Roberts (Harper Collins,
[32] Ibid.
[33] The Portuguese Invasion,
[34] The Archdiocese Of Goa and Daman,
Evangelism as part of foreign political strategy
Posted October 19, 2010
Manju Gupta
Oct 3, 2010
Source Link
Evangelical Intrusions, Sandhya Jain, Rupa & Co., Pp 251 (HB), Rs
THIS book comes at an opportune moment when repeated reports of
religio-political violence in the north-eastern states are pouring
in, accompanied by the rise in armed rebellion from groups professing
secessionist aspirations.
As is universally recognised, the separatist goals are linked to
agenda of religious conversion which is likely to rupture the
cultural and civilisational unity of the indigenous faith and
culture. The author has chosen Tripura as the subject of her study as
its primarily tribal people are resisting organised armed assaults
upon its native faith and way of life. The author feels that the
prime aim of the rebellion is to coerce the entire tribal populations
to convert to a millenarian tradition through intimidation, violence,
murders, pubic firing and denial of freedom to follow one's faith and
religion. Groups engaged in such nefarious activities are trained and
armed with modern weaponry obtained from external forces.
Conversion from a non-monotheistic to a monotheistic faith involves
rejection of national socio-cultural tradition and transferring
allegiance to an alien faith. It is well known that foreign
governments are playing an active role in funding evangelism and
"promoting it through foreign policy and the intrusive activism of
human rights groups". The author explains why she chose Tripura as
the subject of her study - it is the large tribal population which
has been resisting organised armed assault upon its native faith and
way of life. The present era is witnessing the re-emergence of
religion in the public domain after the initial rejection in the
early decades of Independence.
The author finds that Tripura tribes are under siege from several
Western evangelical denominations that have no qualms in resorting to
force and intimidation to achieve their objective of conversion. She
points out that Dharm is primarily a matter of family, clan, social,
religious and cultural inheritance.
(Rupa & Co., 7/16 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi - 110002;
End of forwarded message from S. Kalyanaraman
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
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